The Porchlight May/June 2021
Message from Derwin Jackson, FHA President & CEO
I hope that you and your family have been safe and well during the pandemic. Hopefully, we are close to rounding the corner and our communities can open back up. The FHA tried to do our part by offering several COVID vaccination clinics. Over the course of the clinics, we vaccinated close to 400 people from our community. I am thankful to the staff and others in the community that helped us get the word out.
As we see warmer temperatures and the approach of summer, I want to remind residents of a couple of items. First, please slowdown in our neighborhoods and watch for children. Guests to your units should be reminded of this as well. The second item is for parents. Please remind your children not to play in the street or near other resident's units. Children should be supervised and parents are responsible for the actions of their children and guests.
If you have been affected by COVID and need rental assistance, our staff can help direct you to resources. Staff has reached out to several with past due balances in an effort to assist. As we approach the end of the eviction moratorium it is critical that you communicate with us if you have a past due balance. These balances will be due once the moratorium expires and we don't want you to miss the opportunity to obtain assistance. Please contact the office if you need more information.
Important Reminders for Our Residents
- Please remember to pay rent. Rent is still due.
- Make sure all porches are free of trash and items that are not outside furniture
- Do not forget our monthly zoom "Just Checking In" series. We are here to motivate and encourage all residents. Please be on the lookout for an email or informational flyer on how to login.
FHA Maintenance News
Only put toilet paper in the toilet. Thank you!
Family Self Sufficiency (FSS)
What is Family Self-Sufficiency Program?
Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) is a HUD program that matches Housing Assistance Families (Public Housing and Section 8 ) with existing Community services to achieve economic growth, knowledge, skills and experience to enable them to gain financial independence.
Participants in the FSS program sign a contract that requires the head of the household to seek or maintain suitable employment and remain or become free of monetary welfare assistance by the end of the FSS Contract of Participation.
What services are provided through the FSS Program?
The FSS program provides referral to resources such as employment, financial literacy, transportation, education, childcare, credit repair, counseling and homeownership counseling.
Please feel free to join in the remaining 4 virtual workshops which are held on the third Tuesday, of the month from 6 -7p.m.
FSS Homeownership Workshop Schedule
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021If you are interested in the Family Self Sufficiency Program, please contact Chris Ward at 615-794-1247 ext. 213.
FSS Participant's Success Story
FSS participant Karen Forgy came into the program with the goal to obtain her Associate degree in Social Work. She put a plan into action to enroll into Columbia State Community College where she graduated December 2020. Karen is currently working towards her Bachelor's degree in Marketing at Western Governors University (WGU). Her aspiration is to one day open her own business in Digital-Social Media.
Congratulations on your achievement!!
FSS Empowerment and Homeownership Affirmations
• I Am Enough!
• I Will Make It Through This!
• I Got This!
• I Will Face My Fear and Get Out of My Comfort Zone
Future is OURS (FOURS) Scholarship Program
What is "The Future is Ours" Scholarship Program?
The Future is OURS (FOURS) Scholarship is a program
provided through Franklin Housing Collaborative to students enrolled in high school. The program is designed to help fill the gaps that other awarded grants and scholarships may not cover toward a student's college education. The funds are available to be used during the time a student is enrolled in some form of higher education (2yr, 4yr or trade school). All students that successfully complete the program are granted a minimum of $1,000 per year of higher education and up to $5,000 per year. All high school students living within Franklin Housing Authority are eligible and must meet the criteria of being listed on the current lease, earn minimum 295 cumulative points throughout their four years of high school, and must enroll and attend a U.S. post secondary institution directly after high school graduation.
What services are provided through the FSS Program?The program provides assistance to high school seniors completing the TN Promise and FAFSA, help assist with registering to colleges, universities or trade schools, provide resources for community service hours, college fairs, tours and cultural events.
If you have an upcoming freshman or a high school student interested in applying for the Future is OURS Scholarship Program, contact Chris Ward at 100 Spring Street, or 615-794-1247 ext. 213.
Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency (ROSS)
ROSS-Resident Opportunities and Self Sufficiency
The ROSS program utilizes a ROSS Service Coordinator to link public housing residents with supportive services, resident empowerment activities and assistance in becoming economically self-sufficient. The ROSS Service Coordinator assesses the needs of residents of FHA and coordinates available resources in the community to meet those needs. This program works to promote the development of local strategies to coordinate the use of assistance under the Public Housing program with public and private resources, for supportive services and resident empowerment activities. These services enable participating families to increase earned income, reduce or eliminate the need for welfare assistance, make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency or, in the case of elderly or disabled residents, help improve living conditions and enable residents to age-in-place.
To all residents please call 211 for non-emergent assistance or 911 for emergencies
To register for a free COVID vaccination. Please visit or contact the Williamson County Health Department at (615)-794-1542. If you are in need of assistance registering for the vaccination, please contact the TN Department of Health Hotline at (866)-442-5301.
To learn more about the Resident Opportunities and the Self-Sufficiency (ROSS) Program, please contact John Davis at 615-794-1247 ext. 231.
FHA Social Services Educational Information
Begin Anew-GED training, computer classes, and ESL, 1350 West main Street, Franklin, TN, office# 615-977-8908, website:
Workforce Essentials- High School Equivalency Diploma (Hi-set), computer classes, and ESL, 118 Seaboard Lane, Franklin, TN, office# 615-790-3311, website:
Columbia State Community College- 2 year college, 1228 Liberty Pike, Franklin, TN, office# 615-790-440, website: Learn how adults can attend tuition-free, through the Tennessee Reconnect Program 931.540.2790.
Franklin Special School District-Pre-K program 2021-2022-are accepting applications online at Children who are born between August 16, 2016 and August 15, 2017 are eligible to apply, click to apply English- or Spanish-
Immunization Information for FSSD/Williamson County Schools
All kindergarten students are required to have proof of a physical examination and a valid Tennessee Department of Health "Certificate of School Immunization". All students entering 7th grade in August 2021 will need a Tdap booster vaccine. All 7th grade students must have these documented on a Tennessee Certificate of Immunization Form.
Students will not be able to start the 2021-22 school year without the updated vaccine and form.
The health department is requesting that families make appointments as soon as possible for physical exams and necessary vaccines. It is anticipated that the health department and area physicians will be extremely busy in the upcoming months due to the ongoing Covi-9 pandemic.
FHA Summer Feeding Program
Franklin Housing Authority will host a summer feeding program starting Tuesday, June 1, 2021 to Friday, July 23, 2021. The feeding program will include breakfast and lunch. Feeding times will be posted soon!
Summer Camp Information
Barefoot Republic Summer Camp (K-6th graders)-All camps offer a variety of athletic, artistic and outdoor adventure activities. Spaces are limited, for early registration visit or contact Chris Ward, FSS Coordinator 615-794-1247 ext. 213
Camp Fee Information:
- Barefoot at Amy Grant's Farm I & II- $449 (one week)
- Church Venues- $299 (one week)
- Need-based partial and full scholarships are available for all camp programs
June 7th-June 11th & June 14th-18th-Amy Grant's Farm, Franklin, TN
June 28th-July2nd-Grace Chapel
July 5th-July 9th -Fellowship Bible Church
July 19th-July 23rd-Citipointe Church
July 26th-July 30th-Woodmont Baptist Church
Boys and Girls Club- open to ages 5-18(if 5 years old must completed Kindergarten) Sign at Franklin Club: 129 Fowlkes St, Suite 1000 Franklin, TN 37064 or contact 615-794-4800,
Fee: $50 weekly and annual membership fee $25.00
Grades 9-12: One time fee $125
Start date: June 1 to July 30
Time: 7 a.m. -6 p.m.
New Hope Academy-has partnered with Pine Cove Camp in the City for a jam -packed week of camp. Campers will experience Jesus through Bible study, worship, and time with their counselor as well as participate in tons of great camp activities! Your camper is sure to have a blast dancing, cheering, and jumping each and every day Monday through Friday! If interested contact Chris Ward, FSS Coordinator at 615-794-1247 ext. 213.
Who is eligible? Upcoming 1st-6th grade
Date: June 14th-18th
Community Upcoming Events:
Virtual Vita Free Tax Prep Assistance United Way- extended to May 17, 2021 (File or to file with virtual Tax What is needed:
• Original Social Security card or ITIN for each family member
• W-2 for all jobs worked in 2020
• All W-2's, 1099s, and income forms for other income
• Form 1095-A (health insurance through market place
• Photo I.D. for each adult filing
• Previous year's tax return
• Direct Deposit Information
• Proof of Expenses (charitable donations receipts, 1098-T education expenses, child care and dependent expenses.
• Economic Impact Payment Amounts (stimulus money)Big Backpack Giveaway/One Gen Away Food Giveaway-Saturday, July 24, 2021 at Centennial High School, time TBD.
FEMA Funeral Assistance (COVID-19)
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought grief to many families. Under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2021 and the American Rescue Plan Act 2021, FEMA is providing financial assistance for COVID-19 related funeral expense incurred after January 20, 2020 to ease some of the financial stress and burden caused by the virus.
How to Apply:
COVID-19 Funeral Assistance Line Number:
844-684-6333 I TTY: 800-462-7585
Hours of Operation:
9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Eastern Time
Franklin Tomorrow Civic Index
To be engaged in our community, please take part in a very important tool that will impact the City of Franklin. The link can be found below to complete the Franklin Tomorrow Civic Index Conversations and Civic Index Survey.
Please visit:
About Franklin Tomorrow
Franklin Tomorrow is an independent, nonprofit community visioning and engagement organization founded in 2000 by a group of business and community leaders. Our mission is to engage the community, foster collaboration, and advocate for a shared vision for the future of Franklin. Learn more at
Employment Opportunities
American Job Center Williamson County, 118 Seaboard Lane, Franklin, TN …Phone: 615-790-3311 is a career center willing to assist you with employment opportunities.
Williamson County Parks & Recreation- is accepting applications for a Facility Custodian position at the Franklin Recreation Complex. For more information contact Angie Pitts at 615-790-5719 ext. 2022 or Angie. or to apply visit www. or in at the Williamson County Human Resource Department, 1320 West Main Street, Franklin, TN.