City of Franklin seeks citizen input on survey to benchmark Franklin against other cities
Franklin officials are pleased to announce they are conducting a comprehensive quality of life survey.
This survey will help the City of Franklin and the Board of Mayor and Aldermen identify priorities for the community and enhance the quality of life in Franklin.
Franklin has been working with independent consultant Polco to develop the survey. The instrument, known as The National Community Survey™, allows Franklin to compare results and benchmark residents' opinions against other communities across the country. The survey will include questions about quality of life, important characteristics of community, services provided by Franklin and priorities for the future. The survey will be available online in English and Spanish.
Franklin has used the National Community Survey in the past - once in 2016 and once again in 2019. The results have been integrated into the communities budgeting process and departments use citizen feedback obtained through the survey to improve service delivery.
Survey postcards went out to 2,800 randomly selected households on October 24th. The survey is also available online for all citizens to provide input.
Please click here to complete the survey.
Data Collection closes for both mail and online participants December 16. Survey finding reports will be available in early 2023.
Residents with questions about the survey may contact the Franklin by phone at 615.791.3217, by email at or by visiting